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Minecraft Beta & Preview -
Posted: 17 July 2024Information on Minecraft Preview and Beta: Minecraft预览版和Beta版信息:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- - 这些进行中的版本可能不稳定,可能无法代表最终版本的质量
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- - Minecraft预览版可在Xbox、PlayStation、Windows和iOS设备上使用。更多信息可以在 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ 上找到
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
- - 测试版可在Android(Google Play)上使用。要加入或退出测试版,请参阅 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta 以获取详细说明
There’s a new Minecraft Preview and Beta rolling out, with more tweaks and bug fixes! Here’s a list of what’s new this week:
Features and Bug Fixes 功能和Bug修复
Accessibility 可用性
- Fixed an issue where Apple Pencil was not recognized as a valid input method (MCPE-158895)
- - 修复了 Apple Pencil 未被识别为有效输入法的问题
Blocks 方块
- "light_block_0" and its derivatives now have their block sound defined (MCPE-183449)
- - 光源方块现在已经定义了它们的方块音效
Game Tips 游戏提示
- The Swim game tip can now only appears when not breathing in water
- - 游泳游戏提示现在只能在不在水中呼吸时出现
Gameplay 游戏内容
- Fixed an instance where input could stop working as expected when using Touch Controls and Custom Cameras
- - 修复了使用触控和自定义相机时,控制可能停止按预期工作的情况
Text Input 文本输入
- Fixed an issue where content of the previously used text field was carried over to Signs on Xbox (MCPE-182645)
- - 修复了Xbox平台上先前使用的文本框的内容会遗留到告示牌中的问题。
User Interface 用户界面
- The chat quick access history no longer stores duplicate chat entries
- - 聊天快速访问历史记录不再存储重复的聊天条目
User Interface Gameplay 用户界面游戏内容
- Fixed flickering item icon when quick moving a stack to non-empty stacks
- - 修复了将物品堆叠快速移动至非空白的物品堆叠时物品图标会闪烁的问题。
Vanilla Parity 原版校验
- Leads now attach to the front of Boats, instead of to their center (MCPE-182145)
- - 拴绳现在会拴在船的前部,而不是船的中心。
Technical Updates 技术更新
Editor 创作者
The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.编辑器及其相应的API处于早期开发阶段,可用于Windows PC Bedrock Preview版本上的键盘/鼠标。在社交频道上用#BedrockEditor标记我们。
Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.
学习 如何使用 编辑器,加入 GitHub讨论 论坛与团队互动,并通过入门工具包和示例开始构建扩展。
Updates this week: 本周更新:
- Updated block hotbar to have non-air defaults
- - 更新了方块快捷栏以拥有非空气的默认值。
- Added persistence for the default hotbar
- - 为默认快捷栏加入了持久性。
- Added "ExtensionContext.settings.theme" which will represent the In-World UI Theme
- - 添加了“ExtensionContext.settings.theme”,它将代表In-World UI主题
- This feature currently has three functions: resolveColorKey(string): Color, setCurrentTheme(string): void, and getThemeList(): string[]
- - 此功能目前有三个功能:resolveColorKey(string): Color, setCurrentTheme(string): void, 和 getThemeList(): string[]
- There is a single "minecraft:default" theme
- - 只有一个“minecraft:默认”主题
- Future work will add the ability to create, modify, and delete custom themes but the default themes will not be modifiable
- - 未来的工作将增加创建、修改和删除自定义主题的能力,但默认主题将不可修改
- Updated subset of PropertyPane API to use IObservable pattern. 已更新PropertyPane API的子集以使用IObservable模式
- Added an alternative Property Pane addVector3API that leverages type safe IObservable Observables can be created using makeObservableAPI
- - 添加了另一个属性窗格addVector3API,它利用了类型安全的IObservable Observables,可以使用makeObservableAPI创建
- Added interfaces IVector3PropertyItem and IVector3PropertyItemOptions for the new property item
- - 为新属性项添加了接口IVector3PropertyItem和IVector3PropertyItemOptions
- Renamed function to create property bag Vector3 to addVector3_deprecated
- - 将用于创建Vector3属性包的函数重命名为addVector3_deprecated。
- Added an alternative Property Pane addBoolAPI that leverages type safe IObservablePropvalue API
- - 添加了一个替代属性窗格addBoolAPI,它利用了类型安全的IObservablePropvalueAPI
- Added interfaces IBoolPropertyItemand IBoolPropertyItemOptions for the new property item
- - 为新属性项添加了接口IBoolPropertyItem和IBoolPropertyItemOptions
- Renamed function to create property bag bool item to addBool_deprecated
- - 将用于创建属性包布尔项目的函数重命名为addBool_deprecated。
- Converted Property Pane addText API to use IObservableProp
- - 转换了属性窗格addText API以使用IObservableProp
- Added interfaces IButtonPropertyItemand IButtonPropertyItemOptionsfor the button property item
- - 为按钮属性项目加入了IButtonPropertyItem和IButtonPropertyItemOptions接口。
- IPropertyPane addButtonAPI can now take a plain function
- - IPropertyPane和addButtonAPI现在可以取用普通函数。
- Removed ButtonVarianttype, and added ButtonPropertyItemVariant enum API
- - 移除了ButtonVariant类型,并加入了ButtonPropertyItemVariant枚举API。
- Renamed EDITOR_PANE_PROPERTY_ITEM_TYPEenum API to PropertyItemType
- Converted property pane addImageAPI to support IObservable. It will also be possible to use custom image formats like icon and block with ImageResourceDataas value
- - 转换了属性窗格APIaddImage以支持IObservable。将ImageResourceData作为值而使用自定义图像格式如图标和方块也将成为可能。
- Added onClickfunction and alignment property to IImagePropertyItemOptions API
- - 为IImagePropertyItemOptionsAPI加入了onClick函数和alignment属性。
Entity Components 实体组件
- Improved "behavior.follow_owner" teleportation logic:
- -改进了“behavior.follow_owner”传送逻辑:
- Entities now seamlessly resume navigation after teleporting to their owner
- - 实体现在可以在传送给其所有者后无缝恢复寻路
- Added the "post_teleport_distance" field, allowing to specify how far from its owner an entity will be placed after teleporting
- - 添加了“post_teleport_distance”字段,允许指定实体在传送后将放置在离其所有者多远的地方
- If no value is specified, "stop_distance" increased by one will be used
- - 如果没有指定值,将使用增加一的“stop_distance”
- These changes only affect entities with format version of 1.21.20 or above
- - 这些更改仅影响格式版本为1.21.20或更高版本的实体
General 常规
- Removed the "Holiday Creator Features" experiment. Content that uses the experimental features may no longer function correctly. Please check out Custom Components which replicates most of the functionality: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/minecraft/creator/documents/customcomponents
- - 删除了“假日创建者功能”实验。使用实验功能的内容可能不再正常运行。请查看复制大部分功能的自定义组件:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/minecraft/creator/documents/customcomponents
Technical Experimental Updates 技术实验更新
Creator Camera - Focus Target Creator相机-聚焦目标
- Focus target experiment is now available, more functionality to come in future releases
- - 焦点目标实验现已可用,未来版本中将提供更多功能
- A new camera command has been added to target entities and keep them in center screen
- - 新的相机命令已添加到目标实体中,并将其保持在中心屏幕
- Includes option to add an offset from the center of the entity
- - 包括从实体中心添加偏移的选项
- Includes option to remove the target
- - Includes option to remove the target
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