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Minecraft Snapshot 25w06a
A Minecraft Java SnapshotThis week we have been contemplating existential questions like "What came first; the cold chicken or the blue egg?". It's time for the cold chicken and the warm chicken to make their way into snapshot 25w06a together with their respective colorful egg. In addition, pink cactus flowers and dry grass will now decorate deserts and badlands.
New Features
- Added Warm and Cold Chicken variants
- Added Short Dry Grass and Tall Dry Grass
- Added Cactus Flower block which can grow on Cactus blocks
Farm Animal variants
- Warm and cold variants have been added for Chicken
- Existing Chicken variant has been renamed to temperate
- The variant is determined by the biome they spawn in
- Warm and cold biomes are the same for all animals with variants (i.e. Chicken, Pig, Cow)
- Two new Egg items have been added for the warm and cold Chicken variants
- Blue Egg - The Egg that is laid by and can hatch cold Chicken variant
- Brown Egg - The Egg that is laid by and can hatch warm Chicken variant
- Already existing Egg is laid by and can hatch temperate Chicken variant
Short and Tall Dry Grass
- Added two new types of grass: Short Dry Grass and Tall Dry Grass
- Both are one block high, which makes Tall Dry Grass differ from Tall Grass which is two blocks high
- Both generate in the Desert and Badlands
- Both can be placed on types of Sand, Terracotta and Dirt blocks like the Dead Bush
- Both can be bone mealed
- Using Bone Meal on Short Dry Grass grows it into a Tall Dry Grass
- Using Bone Meal on Tall Dry Grass places a neighbouring Short Dry Grass next to the block if possible
- Both can be used in the Composter
- Sheep can eat both to regrow its wool
- Both can be used as fuel for smelting
Cactus Flower
- Cactus Flower is a new type of flower which has a chance of generating on cactuses in Deserts and Badlands
- Cactus Flower can be placed on Cactus blocks or any block which has center support at the top of the block
- Cactus Flowers have a chance of growing on Cactus blocks
- If a Cactus is one or two blocks high the Cactus Flower has a 10% chance to grow instead of the Cactus getting higher
- If a Cactus is three blocks or higher the Cactus Flower has a 25% chance to grow
- Cactus Flowers will only grow if they have space on all four sides
- Cactus Flowers can be used in the Composter
- A Cactus Flower can be used to craft 1 Pink Dye
- Any block in the simulation distance of a player or loaded by another source of chunk loading (such as Ender Pearls) may now receive random ticks, instead of just 8 chunks around players
- For example: if a chunk is loaded by an Ender Pearl or is in the spawn chunks, crops are able to grow, Ice can melt, Snow can fall, and a Cauldron can be filled by rain
- Mob spawning, Lava spreading fire, and Lightning strikes still occur in the previous radius of 8 chunks around players
- Fire will no longer burn or spread if no player is within 8 chunks
- Tooltips for Fireworks and Crossbows now show a compact form of multiple repeated stars or projectiles that are identical
Firefly Bush
Conditions for The Firefly Bush playing ambient sounds have changed. It now plays when all of the following conditions are met:- it's night
- Firefly Bush not blocked from above by any collidable block (except Leaves)
Technical Changes
- The Data Pack version is now 66
- The Resource Pack version is now 51
Data Pack Version 66
- Added new allowFireTicksAwayFromPlayer Game Rule
Game Rule
- When true, Fire and Lava ticks can occur ouside of an 8 chunk range of a player
- Default value: false
Block Tags
- #dead_bush_may_place_on has been renamed to #dry_vegetation_may_place_on
- Added #edible_for_sheep - blocks that can be eaten by Sheep to regrow their Wool
Item Tags
- Added #eggs - all variants of the Egg item
Entity Data
- The armor and off-hand equipment of Players is now also stored in the equipment field (although items written into the Inventory using armor and off-hand slot numbers still work)
Chicken Variants
- Chicken variants can be data-driven by adding entries to data/<namespace>/chicken_variant/<id>.json
- This feature is experimental
- Fields in file:
- model - one of: normal, cold
- asset_id - namespaced id for this variant asset, resolves to assets/<namespace>/textures/<path>.png
- spawn_conditions - field described in uniform variant selection above
Resource Pack Version 51
- New and updated Chicken textures
- Added textures for new Blue Egg and Brown Egg items
- Added textures for new Cactus Flower block
- Added textures for new Short Dry Grass and Tall Dry Grass blocks
New and updated Chicken textures
- Added new textures for Chicken variants:
- cold_chicken
- warm_chicken
- Texture chicken has been renamed to temperate_chicken
- The temperate_chicken texture has been moved to a new folder:
- entity/chicken.png -> entity/chicken/temperate_chicken.png
Fixed bugs in 25w06a
- MC-157196 - Tamed animals cannot be added to a team
- MC-186241 - World border faces are rendered incorrectly with "Fabulous!" graphics
- MC-279205 - Leaf litter map color is incorrect
- MC-279207 - Leaf Litter can only be placed on dirt-like blocks
- MC-279223 - Country Lode Take Me Home Advancement can be completed in the overworld but is still listed as a Nether advancement
- MC-279235 - Certain farm animals are not spawned as their cold variant in some cold biomes due to an incomplete tag
- MC-279242 - Kelp, twisting vines, weeping vines, and cave vines can no longer be stacked above or below one another by placing
- MC-279261 - Making a mob its own owner causes persistent crashes
- MC-279279 - Dismounting places player in same space as mount
- MC-279292 - Pigs spawn as temperate in desert villages
- MC-279309 - Wildflowers item has a misplaced transparent pixel
- MC-279464 - Fire placed with /setblock doesn't tick/burn out
- MC-279719 - Tooltip description for saddle attribute modifier slot is not translated
- MC-279912 - You can use bone meal on bushes in situations where nothing grows
- MC-279914 - The hitboxes of bushes don't reach the ground and are too wide compared to other similar blocks
- MC-279924 - Bushes cannot be replaced by trees or mushrooms
- MC-279933 - Firefly bushes cannot be replaced by trees or mushrooms
- MC-279950 - Modifying command data storage throws an error
- MC-279972 - Using /setblock & /fill with fluids of levels at a non-full-block no longer updates the fluid
Minecraft 快照 25w06a
一次 Minecraft Java 版快照
本周我们一直在思考一些哲学问题,比如“先有冷鸡还是先有蓝蛋?”。现在,寒带鸡和暖带鸡将带着它们各自的彩色蛋一同加入快照 25w06a!此外,粉色仙人掌花和干燥草也将装点沙漠与恶地。
鸡新增 寒带 和 暖带 变种
原有鸡变种更名为 温带鸡
新增两种干草:矮干草(1格高)和 高干草(1格高,区别于2格高的普通高草)
生成于 沙漠 和 恶地
对矮干草使用 → 变为高干草
对高干草使用 → 在相邻位置生成矮干草(若空间允许)
沙漠与恶地的仙人掌有概率生成 仙人掌花
可合成 1份粉红色染料
数据包版本 升至 66
资源包版本 升至 51
数据包版本 66
新增游戏规则 allowFireTicksAwayFromPlayer
方块标签 #dead_bush_may_place_on 更名为 #dry_vegetation_may_place_on
新增标签 #edible_for_sheep(绵羊可食用方块)
物品标签新增 #eggs(所有鸡蛋变种)
实体数据:玩家护甲与副手物品现存入 equipment 字段(原槽位编号仍兼容)
可通过 data/<命名空间>/chicken_variant/<id>.json 自定义鸡变种(实验性)
资源包版本 51
温带鸡纹理移至 entity/chicken/temperate_chicken.png
MC-157196 - 已驯服的动物无法加入队伍
MC-186241 - “华丽!”画质下世界边界渲染错误
MC-279205 - 落叶堆地图颜色错误
MC-279207 - 落叶堆只能放置在泥土类方块上
MC-279223 - “乡间小路带我回家”进度可在主世界完成但仍归类为下界进度
MC-279235 - 部分寒冷生物群系未生成寒带农场动物(因标签不全)
MC-279242 - 海带、缠怨藤、垂泪藤、洞穴藤蔓无法堆叠放置
MC-279261 - 设置生物为自身所有者导致崩溃
MC-279279 - 下马时玩家与坐骑位置重叠
MC-279292 - 沙漠村庄生成温带猪
MC-279309 - 野花物品透明像素错位
MC-279464 - /setblock 放置的火不会更新/熄灭
MC-279719 - 鞍属性修饰器槽位提示未翻译
MC-279912 - 对无法生长的灌木使用骨粉无效果
MC-279914 - 灌木碰撞箱未接地且过宽
MC-279924 - 灌木无法被树木或蘑菇替换
MC-279933 - 萤火虫灌木无法被树木或蘑菇替换
MC-279950 - 修改命令数据存储报错
MC-279972 - 使用 /setblock 和 /fill 放置非满级流体时未更新状态
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